HTML2PDF_exception {#37
  #_tag: null
  #_html: null
  #_other: "https:/www/upload/realisation/thumbnail34.1523433754.jpg"
  #_image: "https:/www/upload/realisation/thumbnail34.1523433754.jpg"
  #_messageHtml: """
    <span style="color: #AA0000; font-weight: bold;">\n
    ERREUR n°6</span><br>\n
    Fichier : /home/domiimmogk/www/vendor/spipu/html2pdf/html2pdf.class.php<br>\n
    Ligne : 1359<br>\n
    Impossible de charger l'image <b>https:/www/upload/realisation/thumbnail34.1523433754.jpg</b>\n
  #message: "ERREUR n°6 : Impossible de charger l'image https:/www/upload/realisation/thumbnail34.1523433754.jpg"
  #code: 6
  #file: "/home/domiimmogk/www/vendor/spipu/html2pdf/html2pdf.class.php"
  #line: 1359
  -trace: {
    /home/domiimmogk/www/vendor/spipu/html2pdf/html2pdf.class.php:1359: {
      : if ($this->_testIsImage) {
      :     throw new HTML2PDF_exception(6, $src);
      : }
    /home/domiimmogk/www/vendor/spipu/html2pdf/html2pdf.class.php:5709: {
      : $res = $this->_drawImage($src, isset($param['sub_li']));
      : if (!$res) return $res;
      arguments: {
        $src: "https:/www/upload/realisation/thumbnail34.1523433754.jpg"
        $subLi: false
    /home/domiimmogk/www/vendor/spipu/html2pdf/html2pdf.class.php:1294: {
      : // run the action
      : $res = $this->{$fnc}($param);
      arguments: {
        $param: array:2 [ …2]
    /home/domiimmogk/www/vendor/spipu/html2pdf/html2pdf.class.php:1263: {
      :     // execute the action
      :     $this->_executeAction($action);
      : }
      arguments: {
        $action: array:5 [ …5]
    /home/domiimmogk/www/vendor/spipu/html2pdf/html2pdf.class.php:5534: {
      : $this->_subHtml->parsingHtml->code = $level;
      : $this->_subHtml->_makeHTMLcode();
      : $this->_tempPos+= count($level);
    /home/domiimmogk/www/vendor/spipu/html2pdf/html2pdf.class.php:1294: {
      : // run the action
      : $res = $this->{$fnc}($param);
      arguments: {
        $param: array:2 [ …2]
    /home/domiimmogk/www/vendor/spipu/html2pdf/html2pdf.class.php:1249: {
      : // make the action
      : $this->_executeAction($this->parsingHtml->code[$this->_tempPos]);
      : $this->_tempPos++;
      arguments: {
        $action: array:5 [ …5]
    /home/domiimmogk/www/vendor/spipu/html2pdf/html2pdf.class.php:437: {
      :     $this->parsingHtml->parse();
      :     $this->_makeHTMLcode();
      : }
    /home/domiimmogk/www/lib/class/controller/www/realisation_controller.php:138: {
      : $html2pdf->writeHTML($content);
      arguments: {
        $html: """
          <style type="text/css">\n
          \ttable.page_header { width : 100%; background-color : #FFFFFF; padding : 1mm; }\n
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          <page backtop="22mm" backbottom="10mm" backleft="0mm" backright="0mm" style="font-size: 10pt; line-height: 14pt;">\n
          \t\t<table class="page_header">\n
          \t\t\t\t<!-- LOGO ZONE -->\n
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          \t\t\t\t\t<img src="" style="width: 200px;" alt=""><br>\n
          \t\t\t\t<!-- /LOGO ZONE -->\n
          \t\t\t\t<!-- TITRE ZONE -->\n
          \t\t\t\t<td style="width: 70%; text-align: right">\n
                              <span style="font-size: 8pt; line-height: 12pt; text-transform: uppercase;">\n
                         &bull; +32(0) &bull; +32(0)495.54.89.59\n
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          \t\t\t<td style="width: 100%; text-align: center; padding: 2mm 0;  background-color: #0078aa; font-size: 16px; color: #ffffff; text-transform: uppercase;">\n
          \t\t\t\tRéalisation d'un immeuble de 5 appartements\t\t\t</td>\n
          \t<table class="page_content" style="margin-top: 2mm; width: 100%;">\n
          \t\t<td style="width: 100%;">\n
          \t\t\t<p>Promotion 2017-2018 <b><br><br>Résidence Claessens composée de 5 appartements<br><br></b>Situé au cœur d'un quartier résidentiel, à deux pas du Parc de Mariemont, à <u>10 minutes de La Louvière, à 20 minutes de Nivelles et à 45 minutes de Bruxelles</u>.&nbsp;<br><br><br><br><b></b><i></i><u></u><sub></sub><sup></sup><strike></strike><br></p>\t\t</td>\n
          </table>\t<table class="page_content" style="margin-top: 5mm; width: 100%; text-align: center;">\n
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          \t\t\t\t\t<img src="https:/www/upload/realisation/thumbnail34.1523433754.jpg" style="width: 100%;" alt="">\n
          \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td style="width: 33.333333333%;">\n
          \t\t\t\t<img src="https:/www/upload/realisation/photo_file/720x450/5acdc0fd3d637_maj-quartier-claessens-nuit.jpg" style="width: 100%;" alt="">\n
          <!-- INFO FACTU / LIVRAISON -->\n
          <table class="page_content">\n
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          \t\t\t\t<span style="display: block;"><strong>Localisation :</strong>\n
                              Rue Quartier Claessens 2, 7170 LA HESTRE                    <br><br>\n
          \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<strong>RC (€) :</strong>\n
                              non défini                    <br><br>\n
          \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t                </span>\n
          <!-- /INFO FACTU / LIVRAISON -->\n
    Realisation_controller->printToPDF(): {}
    /home/domiimmogk/www/lib/class/app/router/route.class.php:321: {
      : \t$function,
      : ], $this->getParamsValue());
      arguments: {
        $function_name: array:2 [ …2]
        $parameters: array:2 [ …2]
    /home/domiimmogk/www/lib/autoloader.php:50: {
      : $return = Router::getActive()->getController();
    /home/domiimmogk/www/www/index.php:7: {
      : define('APP_NAME','www');
      : require_once "../lib/autoloader.php";
      arguments: {